
Anti Keystone XL Tipi encampment arrives on the Mall

April 21: First tipis on the Mall for Reject and Protect

Breaking: Keystone tar sands pipeline decision to be delayed until after election

Once again the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has been hit with a new delay. Reuters is reporting that the State Department is going to extend the "government comment period," likely delaying an decision until after the November 2014 mid-term election.

CCAN delivers 105,000 petitions to FERC opposing new oil and gas pipelines and export facilities

On the 17th of April, Climate Change Action Network(CCAN) delivered over 105,000 signed petitions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) demanding they stop rubberstamping oil and gas infrastructure projects. (video embed in article)

2nd Day of Keystone protests at State Dept-videographers hassled again

Climate First! is calling for daily protests against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline at the US Department of State. Beginning yesterday activists have met at the Foggy Bottom Metro and walked to the State Department to hold signs and give out fliers. On the 2nd of March, security guards again tried to order activists not to videotape them but were rebuffed.

Video of police orders not to video being defied, followed by video interview with one of the activists

Keystone XL protesters at Dept of State harassed by police for videotaping

On April 1, Fossil Fools Day, two activists from Climate First! staged the first of what will be an ongoing, 7 days a week protest in front of the US Dept of State against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. They witnessed police harassing an injured cyclist, and in response security guards claimed falsely that they could not shoot video of them-and that they needed a permit to protest on the sidewalk, which DC law does NOT require.

Video of police harassment

Pro tar sands ad posters infest Farragut North Metro

On my way to a tar sands protest, I was disgusted by the volume of "Canadian Energy" advertisements aimed at the rich and powerful in and around the Farragut North metro station and even at nearby bus shelters.

Chesapeake Earth First! enters Hill and Knowlton lobby against Enbridge #9

On the 19th of March, Chesapeake Earth First! entered the building housing Hill & Knowlton, lobbyists for Enbridge. This was in response to a First Nations call for solidarity actions against Enbridge for reversing the flow of their old #9 pipeline to carry tar sands oil.

Luke's Video

Six arrests at Calvert County Courthouse in Cove Point gas export CD

On the 13th of March, six MD residents were arrested outside the Calvert County courthouse while protesting Dominion Eneergy's proposed LNG (liquified natural gas) export plant at Cove Point.
