
Stop the Hate-resist fascists in DC on August 12

This year the alt-right is taking its ideology and malice on a nationwide tour. It’s no surprise that the final stop is the front of the White House at Lafayette Square. Trump is the white nationalists’ President. While ICE separates children from their parents at the border, Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys hold anti-immigrant rallies. It’s up to us to halt their march!

Video-Stop the Hate

Alt-right holding nationwide tour of hate-it's up to us to stop their finale in front of the White House

Migrants, supporters march in Columbia Heights after ICE raids on apartments

On the 12th of July, ICE agents raided the Sarbin Towers apartments on 16th st, arresting nine people both residents and passers by. Other raids also occurred that week, as ICE assaulted this supposed sanctuary city. In response, a very large crowd marched from a the park at 14th and Kenyon and blocked 16th st in several locations, including at the site of the Sarbin Towers raid.

Video: Speakers denounce Bowser's collaboration, big march heads to 16th st

The starting rally at 14th and Kenyon streets

Mass Mobilization Against The Alt-Right in Washington DC, August 10-12

We are calling all anti-fascists and people of good conscience to participate in international days of action August 10 through August 12 and a mass mobilization in Washington DC. This is for Heather Heyer, ICE abolition, open borders, dismantling the prison industrial complex, and ending the settler colonial system. We will confront fascism, antisemitism, Islamaphobia, white supremacy, and state violence on August 10-12.

Video from shutitdowndc.org Update: corrected video link

Rev. Barber Leads Nonviolent Direct Action at the White House

The Rev. Dr. William Barber leads a delegation of moral leaders in nonviolent direct action at the White House to challenge the policies of the Trump Administration and Congress that separate immigrant families from children, deny healthcare to the poor, cut SNAP for those in need and sow division to maintain power. Live Video Stream


Capitol Police block Poor Peoples's March from US Capitol grounds

On the 23ed of June, the Poor People's Campaign held a rally and march on the US Capitol at the endpoint of their initial 40 days of action. The US Capitol Police blocked the march from approaching the Capitol West Lawn, using police lines and protest pen fence to divert marchers. This was not expected by many marchers and could have created a dangerous crowd crush scenario.

Video of the march and the police lines/pens that hemmed it in 2min 42 sec

The lead of the march between a pair of pen fences after flanking the intial police line

Poor People's Campaign launches coordinated blockades at multiple targets

On the 18th of June, the Poor People's Campaign abandoned Capitol Hill protests. Instead, they marched from a big tent on the Mall and broke into three sections. The march sections went to EPA, HUD, and HHS. The EPA and HUD got blockades, while HHS has barricaded protesters out. A "People's HHS" was erected at that location. In all cases cops declined to make arrests, so protesters escalated to street blockades and a final blockade at the Dept of Injustice.

Video including all of the blockades and targets (5min 33 sec)

The Poor People's Campaign blockade at the EPA

Black Lives Matter activists rally where MPD killed dirt bike rider

Early in May 2018, DC police escalated their war on Black youth riding dirt bikes and ATV's by killing dirt bike rider Jeffery Price in NE. Cops chased him in violation of the city's no-chase rule, and used an SUV to force a fatal collision at Fitch Place and Division Avenue, NE On the 15th of June, community activists held a protest rally at the same location.

Video-An attorney retained by Jeff Price's family speaks at the rally (15m)

Indigenous Keystone XL resisters to install solar panels in path of pipeline.

While "TransKlanada" has announced no final decision on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, they nonetheless plan to start clearcutting THIS YEAR to allow construction in 2019. Oil prices spiked dangerously close to the level that would make tar sands profitable again this year, possibly putting KXL back on the table. In the face of this, Indigenous communities have announced they will build solar power facilities in the direct path of the proposed pipeline.

Police evict "Resurrection City II" from Dupont Circle

On the 11th of June, police (presumably US Park Police) evicted the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign from their "Resurrection City II" encampment in Dupont Circle.Belongings were stolen by police but nobody was arrested. Cops cited "noise complaints" presumably from Dupont area yuppies as their excuse The possiblity also exists this is retaliation for an earlier civil disobedience at HUD-or just to "clean up" Dupont in case Capitols fans went there.

Lot of MPD backing up US Park Police at the eviction of Resurrection City II (Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign photo)

Rev Hagler arrested with Poor People's Campaign in US Capitol Rotunda

The 5th of June marked the 4th week of the Poor People's Campaign of civil disobedience at the US Capitol and at statehouses across the continent. In this week's protest, Reverend Hagler was one of many protesters arrested inside the US Capitol rotunda

Video including scenes of Rev Hagler at the protest inside the US Capitol Rotunda

Rev Hagler taking a lead role as activists march to the Capitol visitor center
