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Once again the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has been hit with a new delay. Reuters is reporting that the State Department is going to extend the "government comment period," likely delaying an decision until after the November 2014 mid-term election.
On the 17th of April, Climate Change Action Network(CCAN) delivered over 105,000 signed petitions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) demanding they stop rubberstamping oil and gas infrastructure projects. (video embed in article)
On the 13th of April, White House peace vigil participant Barry Knight answered the Park Police decision to taser him for "too many signs" a couple weeks ago by combining as many signs as possible into a single giant sign.
On the 12th of April, anti-globalization protesters staged a "Plague of Debt" street theater event against the IMF/World Bank meetings Street theater video
While covering the immigration rights march on 4-25 I was told an ugly piece of news: the US Park Police have returned to their old habit of using Tasers against activists believed to be associated with Occupy. When Barry Knight was confronted by US Park Police on March 29 for "having too many signs" as part of an apparent police attempt to drive off the White House peace vigil, the US Park Police shocked him with a Taser, a potentially lethal weapon, then arrested him.
On the 9th of April, hundreds of immigrants and their supporters marched up Capitol Hill to the office of Speaker of the House Jim Boehner. He is refusing to permit the House to vote on an immigration reform bill that has already passed the Senate.
After the Saturday, April 5 march to stop deportations, a big tent and stage were established on the Mall for presentations and performances lasting until the closing rally on the morning of April 9
On the 5th of April, thousands of immigrants and their families and supporters marched from Mt Pleasant Park down 16th st to the White House, bluntly demanding that Obama entirely cease and desist deporting migrants. One of the banners called Obama the "deporter in chief." This, in turn, could indicate that Obama won't be getting any more slack from Latino voters and should be prepared to kiss their votes goodbye if deportations continue.
Climate First! is calling for daily protests against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline at the US Department of State. Beginning yesterday activists have met at the Foggy Bottom Metro and walked to the State Department to hold signs and give out fliers. On the 2nd of March, security guards again tried to order activists not to videotape them but were rebuffed.
On the 31st of March, School of the Americas Watch showed up at the Columbus Monument in front of Union Station. They were there to condemn the ongoing legacy of colonialism, disposession, and murder of Indigenous people started by Columbus and continued today by graduates of the infamous "School of Coups" at Ft Benning, Ga.
The 31st of March was the last day the Park Service could have USDA "Wildlife Services" shoot deer under the terms of the warning signs and public announcements they had posted. On that day, no shooters arrived, but protesters did, condemning the 4 days of slaughter in Rock Creek this winter, and opposing all plans to continue. The next day, the Park Service announced they had killed 106 deer.
On the morning of Saturday, March 29th, US Park Police again attacked the 33 year old antinuclear/peace vigil in front of the White House. This time they arrested the person at the vigil on a pretext charge so they could dismantle the vigil.
It didn't work. The activist being arrested (one of many taking relief shifts for Connie) managed to place an emergency phone call and a second relief vigiler was able to reach the scene before the cops could remove the vigil.
Earlier this week, the coup goverrnment in Egypt sentenced 529 protesters to death in a simultanious "trial" for the alleged killing of a cop during protests last summer in which hundreds of protesters were shot. On the 27th of March, Code Pink showed up in front of the Egyptian Embassy to condemn this outrageous violation of human rights.
On the 26th of March, women and children organized by OurDC marched from Union Station to the US Capitol with men marching behind them. They were demanding the Federal minimum wage be increased to $10.10 an hour, and a local minimum wage of $12.50 an hour in DC.
On Tuesday March 25 six members of NCNR followed up at the US Attorney’s office in person to demand action as drone attacks continue to murder innocent people around the world. NCNR maintains that the Obama Administration and the CIA drone program are in violation of U.S. and international law.
When the six activists arrived at the US Attorney’s office at 11:00 am they discovered the doors to the public building were locked. A security officer, John Buffington, came out and told them that they would not be allowed into the building.