
Trump to take Portland snatch squad tactics national?

Since protests have gone hot and heavy every night in Portland for over 50 days, Trump has deployed unmarked Federal snatch squads to grab people off the streets. This has been condemned even by the Washington Post, yet another snatch squad kidnapping occurred on the 19th of July. Ken Cuccinelli has stated that these unmarked Federal jackbooted thugs will now be used nationwide.

Wheels for Justice bike ride takes I-395

On the 19th of July, exactly a month after the Pike statue outside MPD was torn down, the "Wheels for Justice" bike ride took to the streets. The highlight of the ride was taking over I-395.

Video-the ride on I-395 2 min 20 sec

Wheels for Justice on I-395

Fuck the Police march reaches BLM Plaza just in time to stop police harassment

On the 18th of July, MPD attempted to intimidate protesters into leaving BLM Plaza-just before the "Fuck the Police" march arrived and by their presence ended the police offensive. The John Lewis Vigil and midnight yoga then took place without further harassment. En route, the march chanted "Fire, fire, gentrifier! in Adams-Morgan and other gentrified areas.

Video-marchers chant "fire, fire, gentrifier!" in Adams-Morgan 33 sec

The march arrives at BLM Plaza, ending police attempts to scare away protesters

G20 Finance Ministers Kick COVID Crisis Decisions to Fall

Chaired by Saudi Arabia, G20 Finance Ministers met virtually and focused on the global health and economic impacts of the coronavirus.

Mayor Bowser gets another Defund MPD home demo

On Friday, the 17th of July, Black Lives Matter protesters again marched on the home of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, demanding that she defund MPD. Her response was to summon over 30 cops to "protect" her from the public.

Still from video posted by Chuck Modi to twitter
