Animal Rights

Vegan Outreach protest at Cole Bros circus draws harassment

On the 26th of April, activists from Vegan Outreach showed up at the Cole Brothers Circus showing at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds.

The Cole Brothers circus, where animal trainer Tim Friso says "Don't touch 'em, hurt 'em! Make 'em scream!"

Reportback from vegan actions against animal abuse at Ringlings Circus in DC, VA, Baltimore

Last night concluded 5 weeks of "Vegan Actions on behalf of Animals Used as Entertainment" at the Ringling circus.

THIS is what's wrong with the circus

Save the Rock Creek Deer calls for removing park from NPS control after 106 deer shot

Group Condemns National Park Service for Killing 106 Deer in Rock Creek National Park
Calls for Congressional Investigation into Park Mismanagement;
Says Rock Creek National Park should be removed from Park Service control

Animal advocates protest Rock Creek "Deer Removal" as season ends with 106 deer dead

The 31st of March was the last day the Park Service could have USDA "Wildlife Services" shoot deer under the terms of the warning signs and public announcements they had posted. On that day, no shooters arrived, but protesters did, condemning the 4 days of slaughter in Rock Creek this winter, and opposing all plans to continue. The next day, the Park Service announced they had killed 106 deer.

Video of March 31 deer removal protest (liveleak)

Reportback from March 20-22 Ringling Brothers circus protest

Last week (March 20-22),the Ringling Brothers circus was in town again. As always they were protested by animal rights activists outraged by beatings and abuse the animals receive onstage and off.
