One Year Without Justice for Terrence Sterling Video

Video clip from the rememberance of Terrence Sterling at the very spot where Terrence was murdered by MPD Officer Brian Trainer.

One year later, and Officer Trainer has not been indicted or fired, and continues to get paid.


Protests mark 1 yr anniversary of police shooting of Terrence Sterling

On September 11, 2016, MPD officer Brian Trainer shot and killed Terrence Sterling at 3rd and M sts NW at about 4:20 AM. One year later at the same time, protesters gathered at the same intersection demanding that Brian Trainer be fired. The first protest was a vigil from 4AM until about 9AM, at 6PM protesters returned for a march on the FOP and MPD headquarters

Video of the evening march to FOP and MPD headquarters

One Year Without Justice for Terrence Sterling Video: https://youtube/4KBJwZlcXqY

The first vigil just before 5AM.

Cville2DC/Impeachment Square still holding out

On the evening of September 9, the Impeachment Square protesters who have marched to DC from Charlottesville were still holding out despite loss of their food, water, and tents to an early morning police raid. Continuing their plans they went forward with their planned evening march on the White House

Video of the Sep 9 march to the White House(1 min)

Park Police raid Farragut Sq vigil, take tents, food, even water

Update 4AM Sep 9:Police raid Impeachment square, all tents, food, and even water stolen. Press release calls out NPS for granting a permit for extreme-right MOAR event Sep 16 in DC but raiding a peaceful vigil against white supremacy

On the 8th of September, the Charlottesville to DC vigil at Farragut Square officially became Impeachment Square. Shortly after noon, they sent out an emergency request for reinforcements, as the Park Service was seeking to evict them. People are being asked to call 202-619-7023 to demand that the Park Service issue a permit for the vigil to stay in Farragut Square.

Video clips of the 4AM Park Police raid

Related:March to White House Evening of Sep 8

Cops stole the tents, but Impeachment Square vigil still holding out as of Sep 9

No More Stolen Sisters vigil for missing and murdered Indigenous women held at Farragut Sq

On the 7th of September, Rising Hearts held the No More Stolen Sisters vigil at Faragut Square. The vigil protested the ongoing rapes, murders, and disappearances of Indigneous women near the "man camps" that house workers in North Dakota's oil fracking industry, in the cities of Occupied Canada, and elsewhere. This event was hosted by the ongoing vigil against white supremacy at Farragut Square.

Video-a speaker gives details on the situation followed by the round dance(1:50)

Pro-DACA protesters stage disruption inside Trump Hotel

On the 6th of September a "suit bloc" of activists disguised in suit and tie "yuppieflage" succeeded in entering Trump Hotel. Once inside, at an arranged time activists opened up with air horns and loud chants about "here to stay" in defiance of Trump's dream of deporting 800,000 "dreamers" or migrants brought here by their parents as children. Eventually protesters marched back outside into the streets where the protest continued.

Video: 2:45 of highlights from the protest inside Trump Hotel

Charlottesville to DC march arrives, occupies Farragut Square with tents

On the 6th of September, Charlottesville to DC march arrived, crossing Key Bridge after ten days marching. This is a "march to confront White Supremacy" and also is demanding that Donald Trump be removed from office. After their "closing rally" at the MLK Memorial, marchers set right back out, marching past the White House to Farragut Square. There the march pitched tents, announcing plans to hold 1/4 of the park for the entire month.

Video of the march crossing into DC from Virginia

Protesters march on White House, ICE, trump Hotel, DOJ as Sessions announces end to DACA

On the 5th of September, Donald Trump cravenly had racist attorney general Jeff Sessions announce that he was terminating DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood arrivals. He then punted the issue to Congress, giving them 6 months to pass legislation before mass roundups begin. In response, at least five protest marches went to the White House, ICE, the Dept of "Justice," Trump Hotel, and Capitol Hill. Penn Ave in front of Trump Hotel was blockaded twice.

Video-Trump's DACA announcement spurs protest marches all over town

A protesters wears a hat directly replying to "MAGA" hats in front of the White House

WWII-style posters appear in DC comparing Trump to Hitler

On the 3ed of September, a series of posters comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler appeared on lamp posts on DC streets. The posters are based on similar posters used during World War Two to motivate people to put their utmost efforts into defeating Hitler and the Nazis.

Charlottesville to DC March en route to Wed arrival at White House

On the 28th of August, a march to confront white supremacy set out from Charlottesville, VA to end at the White House in DC on Wed, September 6. The route is 188 miles long and Va state troopers have twice made excuses to pull permits and stop the march early for a day. The march is still on track to arrive on time, reaching Gainsville, VA 36 miles from DC on Sunday, September 3.
