Shut Down DC, many other groups take over K st area for Build Back Better act

On the 31st of January, Shut Down DC and many other organizations descended on K st in AM rush hour, marching in from Black Lives Matter Plaza. They focussed on lobbying groups whose work has included pushing the GOP to block the Build Back Better Act. An outfit called "nolabels.org" was singled out for lying to the public.

Video: the scene around K st in AM rush hour as protesters shut it down 30 sec

Photo by Callie Lowenstein

Presumed Nazis scrawl swastikas all over Union Station

On the 28th of January, crude hand-drawn swastikas were found scraweled over nearly every column at an entrance to Union Station. No word on suspects or arrests, people are wondering if security cameras even got video of this hate crime and its perpetrators.


Code Pink holds protest of looming war in Ukraine

On the 27th of January, Code Pink held a mid-day protest in front of the White House against increasingly likely war in Ukraine. The fact that both the US and Russia posess nuclear weapons greatly increases the stakes if both countries commit troops to the same battlefield.

Photo by Morgan Artyukhina

Declare Emergency blockades Rock Creek Parkway-with 1000 pounds of coal

On the 25th of January, climate activists from Declare Emergency blocked southbound traffic on Rock Creek Parkway with themselves-and a thousands pounds of coal dumped across the road. They are demanding the US government formally declare (and thus admit to) a climate emergency

Video clip from longer video recorded by hidden camera at the scene 21 sec

Three activsts and a thousand pounds of coal across Rock Creek Parkway in AM rush

Emergency protest for Palestine held at Israeli Embassy over house demolitions

On the 23ed of January, Palestininans and their allies held an emergency protest at the Israeli Embassy. This was to protest housing demolitions in Sheikh Jarrah, Naqab, and Al-Khalil. After the main protest, some of the activists pitched tents (needed when your house has been demolished) in front of the Israeli Embassy. Seven stayed on and were arrested.

Video by Laura Albast of tents raised in front of the Israeli Embassy 18 sec

Emergency Rally at the Israeli Embassy

"Stop the Mandates" antivax rally includes Proud Boys, looks like a Trump rally

On the 23ed of January, thousands of anti-vaxxers as well as anti-vaccine mandate protesters descended on the Lincoln Memorial. While billed as opposing mandates, much of the imagery and speeches targetted the vaccines themselves. Present in the rally were religious extremists, the Proud Boys, and even a few people displaying swastikas. The overall event resembled a Trump rally.

Video of some of the crazier elements, plus the Proud Boys 2 min 50 sec

Proud Boys including one in a MD chapter jacket at the "Stop the Mandates" rally

Patriot Front heckled by antifa, expelled from antichoice march possibly by organizers

On the 21st of January, the neo-Nazi/open Fascist group Patriot Front attempted to sieze the lead position in the antichoice/forced birth "March for Life." At first they marched forward while MPD bike cops pushed back anti-Fascist and pro-choice counterprotesters. Soon, however, they had to withdraw to the sidewalk and make a left turn out of the march.

Video-Patriot Front heckled, removed-and your videographer chasing their U-haul 3 min

Patriot Front attempting to lead the entire forced-birth "march for life"

Protesters block street, run projection as Manchin and Sinema torpedo voting rights bill

On the 19th of January, protesters gathered a few blocks back from the US Capitol as the Senate attempted to vote on the voting rights bill only to be blocked by a GOP filibuster. The treason of Sens Manchin and Sinema prevented any modification of filibuster rules, so the GOP now owns the election machinery in enough states to all but guarantee a Trump 2024 "win."

Video-projection of "Senator Sinema is holding America hostage" 5 seconds

Shutdown DC photo of the projection protest

Black Lives Matter Plaza vandalized two days before forced-birth march

Two days before the annual anti-Roe v Wade forced birth march, unknown attackers vandalized BLM Plaza with "Jesus" and "All Lives Matter" graffiti. "All Lives Matter" is widely recognized as a code phrase for "White Lives Matter" or sometimes the pro-police "Blue Lives Matter." The timing and the "Jesus" scrawl suggest a connection to Friday's march.

16th Annual MLK Day Peace Walk focusses on voting rights

On the 17th of January, the 16th annual MLK Day Peace Walk marched into Anacostia over the newly rebuilt Frederick Douglass Memorial (S Cap St) Bridge. A major focus of this march was voting rights, with the lead banner demanding "Deliver for Voting Rights." Senators Manchin and Sinema are working for Trump every day by blocking proposals to bypass the filibuster to permit Federal voting rights legislation to pass. Without it, the wave of GOP voter suppression laws makes a Trump 2024 election "victory" all but a done deal.

Video-the march on the Frederick Douglass Bridge 45 sec
