

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11/26/2015 WORLD CAPOEIRA GROUPS STAND WITH PALESTINIAN PEOPLEGroups to call attention to occupation of Palestine on November 29 Salvador, Bahía, Brazil - Heeding a call from the Capoeira Freedom Collective –Palestine (CFCP), Capoeira groups around the world will host solidarity rodas on the 29th of November –the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Events are already planned among groups in Palestine, Brazil, England, the United States, Germany, Italy, Jordan, France and Spain.

DC Bike Party rides with Halloween theme

On the 16th of October, the DC Bike Party organizers held a special Friday night "Super Villains" themed ride. These rides are normally on the second Wednesday of each warmer month, though this was the second of two held on Fridays this year. As usual hundreds turned out to ride in this Halloween themed ride.

2 min video-highlights of the ride

Bike Party!

DC Bike Party takes over the streets

On the 9th of September, the DC Bike Party took to the streets. Hundreds of riders filled streets with dense and festive traffic from Dupont Circle to and over Memorial Bridge, then back into DC. There were a couple tense moments as the ride neared it's end on H st NE involving cops and a minor crash on the streetcar tracks but no injuries or determined police aggression.

Video highlights of 1st half DC Bike Party to 1960's music from the sound bike

Wall to wall bikes near the beginning of the ride

Festive ride to the sounds of the 1960's

Another huge DC Bike Party takes to the streets

The July 3ed Anniversary special Bike Party was perhaps the largest ever, but the August 12th ride may have been second only to that one for sheer size. DC never seemed to get big Critical Mass or other such rides in the past, now the organizers of the DC Bike Parties seem to have found the magic formula for turn out in this town.

Video highlights 1st half of the ride(2:40)

Ride of the DC Bike Party(August)

Adams Morgan Mural - big file to test

New mural in AdMo to test size limit
