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Submitted by HannahJubilee on Mon, 07/26/2021 - 16:36
By Olivia Engling
A proposal in front of the World Trade Organization could make it easier for countries to access COVID vaccines. This week the global trade body reviews the proposal to waive pharmaceutical vaccine patents as part of a menu of trade pandemic response policies.
“Not enough vaccines are getting to developing countries,” noted Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious development group Jubilee USA Network. “Part of the solution is supporting countries to produce the vaccines that they and other countries desperately need."
On the 26th of June, a small motorcade organized by HIPS (Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive) wound its way through DC escorted by a banner and bullhorn contingent. They were demanding that the DC Council legalize all drugs for personal consumption, saying "every overdose death is a policy failure. The "War on Drugs" was condemned as explicitly racist.
On the 16th if April, DCMJ's full cannabis legalization activists returned to the White House, only to find Penn Ave closed, no doubt in fear of a return of the famous "51 foot joint." Undeterred, they headed to the H st side of Lafayette Park and give away cannabis seeds for free. The demand on the White House was simple: take cannabis off the DEA's "Schedule 1" total ban list.
On the 2nd of April, activists demanding that cannabis (marijuana) be removed from the DEA's "Schedule 1" classification marched on the White House carrying a 51 foot long mock joint. At the White House, cops claimed it was a "security threat" and it had to be carried back out. Activists then proceeded to defy the still-actve Federal ban on smoking pot on Federal government owned land. Two tickets were issued but there are no reports of actual arrests.
On Saturday night, Nov 21, opponents of the so-called "War on drugs" burned a mock prison cell on the Mall. This was the culmination of the roughly 24 hour "Catharsis on the Mall" vigil.